By Matt McWilliam

Columbus, Ohio has become a hot bed for technology companies over the last few years. Home of the Ohio Supercomputer Center, NASA, and MIT Lincoln Laboratory, a lot of young tech-heads come to Columbus, get a start, and stay. This trend is apparent in the vast amount of marketing companies that have sprung up throughout the greater Columbus area.

Web design companies in Columbus offer a wide array of services. There are over 1,000 companies, each with their own flare and specialties. Web design means anything from design for a website, programming and marketing. A lot of companies in Columbus work with brand identity, so having something similar in your portfolio could help you get work.

Depending on your working preferences, you can either be a responsible loner as a freelancer, or you can attempt to join a company as an in-house designer. This decision depends a lot on your graphic design, web development and search engine optimization experience. If you are just starting out, and do not have a large portfolio of designs from college, internships, work or personal website projects, this may be the best way to get some valuable experience and to add some nice looking work to your portfolio. If you have never worked with a “Columbus web design” or “web development company in Columbus, Ohio” either as a graphic designer or search engine guru, it might be worth your while to find work with an established local company and build your skills in this area.

Working with web development companies as a graphic designer is a lucrative venture in Columbus, Ohio. While there are only 1-2 thousand graphic & website design companies in the Columbus, Ohio area, there are over 7,000 web design companies, some needing good graphic designers to work with on a casual, or permanent basis. Graphic design for the web is different from print, but if you are savvy with internet technology, as most good graphic designers are, you should be able to carve out a good name for yourself in the web design community.

What is great about working as a web designer in Columbus or any city, is the possibility of repeat business, as well as the firms you have worked for in the past recommending you to other graphic design firms. It is always a good idea to keep your relationship with companies that you have worked for healthy, sending follow-ups after jobs as well as updating them on your current activities more than a few times per year. Scoping out new work possibilities in Columbus does not hurt either.

Copyright 2009 Matt McWilliam. Columbus Website Design in Columbus, Ohio.

Columbus Website Design offers web design services in Central Ohio. For more information about our marketing services, contact us or give us a call today. You can also find web design jobs in Columbus, Ohio, by visiting the Columbus jobs website.