By Matt McWilliam

Getting ahead of your competition in today’s Internet savvy world can be difficult. Over the years, I have compiled a quick list of tips and tricks that any webmaster or website owner can do to increase the traffic to their website, increase sales, increase search engine rankings and increase lead conversions. You can add the following items to your website all while making your website more user-friendly and intuitive to navigate. Some items are a little more advanced than others and may require coding from a web programmer. Contact your local web development firm if you feel this work is outside of your capabilities, they will be able to help you add these items to your website quickly and easily.

  1. Add a Facebook Like box to your website.
    Adding a Facebook like box to your web site can help your visitors establish a level of credibility with your website. Facebook like boxes can show the total number of likes that your web page, blog post or article has received from visitors.
  2. Create an interactive call-to-action button.
    Creating an interactive call to action button is important for optimizing the conversion ratio of your home page. The attention of your visitors is often drawn to contrast buttons such as bright green, bright orange and bright red buttons. Make sure that the button as a hover effect so that the button will react the mouse cursor place over it.
  3. Place your phone number in the top right corner.
    The most common place to put a phone number on a web site is in the top right corner. This is the area of the web site most visitors will look for your phone number.
  4. Start your Headings with targeted keywords.
    You’re heading tags should have your targeted key words in them. This is especially important for ranking well on search engines. Search engine crawlers use the tags found in your heading tags as an indicator for the keywords you would like to target.
  5. Put your contact information in the footer of every page.
    You should put your contact information in the footer of every page. This way, when someone scrolls to the end of a web page on your website, they will easily be able to find your contact information.
  6. Place a Google Map on your Contact Us page.
    Putting a Google Map on your contact us page gives visitors a user friendly way of locating your business or organization. Google Maps also offers driving directions.
  7. Use a social sharing widget like ShareThis.
    Social sharing widgets allow your web site visitors to share a hyperlink to your web site along with some predefined text on their social networking profiles. This effectively makes sharing your website address viral to the world.
  8. Add a bread crumb trail to the top of every page.
    A bread crumb trail is the set of hyperlinked text typically found in the header portion of a web site which clearly defines what page the visitors is currently on. This will also help the visitor find your home page should they enter your web site from an interior page.

Well, with these eight tips and tricks, you will be well on your way to creating a successful website. If you need help setting up any of the items listed here, please feel free to contact us for a free price quote. We are happy to give you a quote on any of the items found here in this article. Thanks for reading.